Word Instruction

  1. How to change the color of the text and the color of the image in Microsoft Word?

1.1) How to change the color of the text?

  1. Highlight the text that you need to change in color
  2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the arrow next to the Font Color item and then select the required color
  3. For quick text formatting, you can use the mini-toolbar with the formatting options

1.2) How to change the color of the image?

  1. Select the image by clicking on it with the left mouse button
  2. Switch to the Picture Format tab at the top of the program
  3. In the top left corner, press the Color option
  4. Choose the required color

2) How to add a section break?

  1. Select where you want the new section to begin
  2. Go to the Layout tab > Breaks > Section Breaks
  3. Select the type of section break you need:

  • Next Page: This section break begins a new section on the next page.
  • Continuous: This section break begins a new section on the same page. This type of section break is often used to change the number of columns without starting a new page.
  • Even Page: This section break begins a new section on the next even-numbered page.
  • Odd Page: This section break begins a new section on the next odd-numbered page.

3) How to replace the image?

  1. Click the image you want to replace
  2. Open the Picture Format tab and select the Change Picture option
  3. Select the new picture and double-click on it

3.1) How to delete the image?

  • Click the image to be deleted and press the DELETE key
  • To delete several images, while holding down the CTRL key, click the images you need to delete and press the DELETE key

4) How to add a blank page?

  • To add a blank page to your Word document, place the mouse cursor where you need this blank page to begin and click the Insert tab > Blank Page. A blank page opens, and it is ready to go.

  • If you need to extend the free space, you can also insert a page break. The difference is that the Blank Page option puts the entire blank page into the document, while the Page Break option does not do that. Instead, everything that appears after the break extends to the top of the next page.

5) How to delete a page?

  1. Go to the bottom of the page you want to delete
  2. Press the left mouse button and without releasing the button, pull up until the entire page is highlighted
  3. Release the left mouse button and press DELETE 

6) How to add a row or a column to the table?

You can add a row above or below the mouse cursor position. And, for example, you can also add a column to the left or to the right of the mouse cursor position.

  1. Click the place in the table where you want to add a row or a column, then click the right mouse button > Insert (in the vertical context menu)
  2. Use the Insert Columns to the Left option and the Insert Columns to the Right option to add the columns. And use the Insert Rows Above option and the Insert Rows Below option to add the rows

6.1) How to delete a row, a column, a cell, or a table?

  1. Click a row, a column, or a cell in the table (plus, you can select the whole table as well). Then click the right mouse button and go to the horizontal context menu
  2. Click Delete and then choose the option you need from the menu (Delete Cells, Delete Columns, Delete Rows, Delete Table)